There is much that can be discovered and learned through our observations. One of those observations is to discern the difference between what people say, and the follow up of their proceeding actions. There is a saying, “a teacher is not truly a teacher unless they live their own teachings”. How many people do you know that preach to impress others of their good deeds and honorable achievements yet their own behavior is quite the opposite of their celebrated declarations? There are many disingenuous teachers that do not live their own teachings. This is just one example of my intention to highlight the fact that we live in a polarized world, a polarized dimension full of charades and the hypocrisy of contrasting contradictions. What may seem shiny and exalted on the outside can often times be the harboring of great deceptions. These deceptions can be found in almost all areas of our lives. Some of the most emphasized ones being more recently exposed in politics, governments and religions. How often do our politicians, governments and religions themselves follow their own set of laws, rules and regulations? Yet what about the more subtle illusions that can change a persons whole life direction and perception? Not that there is anything incorrect in regards to change, change can be a wonderfully uplifting and healing experience. What I am referring to is when change creates a negative outcome that restrains us from of our souls innate nature and the true spiritual embodiment of our highest freedom. I’ve said this many times before and I’ll highlight it again, “The best slave is the one who is unaware that they even are one”. I’ve witnessed the acceleration of this type of slavery since the day I was born and I am well aware of the sheer force of denial and attacking criticism that follows when one attempts to awaken the truth from within them. This same scenario has been presented upon humanity for thousands of years, which has been eloquently depicted in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, which you can learn more about here.
To some I am sure this article will bring greater clarity and inspired wisdom. For others it may stir a pot of rage as a seed is planted that challenges the depths of their deeply rooted belief systems. While infuriating others by speaking uncomfortable truths has never been a pleasant experience, I personally do not have any desire to silence the expression of my voice so as to live out the rest of my life in a state of passiveness. Instead I aspire to follow every beat of my heart with passion, even if it results in “rocking the boat” with presenting the humanity I’ve come to love so dearly with the inspiration to use critical thinking while asking deeper and more insightful questions. Understanding our experiences through the lens of our heart allows us to transport ourselves above and beyond the mundane and into an expansion of authentically wise perceptions.
Originally my intention was to write on the subject of plant based DMT and its effects on both the body and human consciousness. While this is still the case, the topic of this article will act as an umbrella, which covers a wider range of mind-altering substances. My prompting to write this is in regards to bringing awareness around these substances and how they may be creating more harm than most have allowed themselves to become aware of.
In order to fully expound upon these topics I must first address a deeper understanding that within the framework of our souls perspective we have the ability to exist within multiple dimensions. Dimensions are not only the physics of time and space, but also can be applied to differing levels of consciousness. The world we live in on the earth plane can be perceived within the framework of 12 realms filtered through the lens of a 3rd dimensional state of consciousness. Depending upon which level within the 12 realms of consciousness you currently perceive from will be the reflection of how you experience your own reality. One within the 6th realm may have a slightly different experience and understanding of their existence compared to another who is functioning from say that of the 7th. One experiencing a higher realm may begin to have sentient insights, observations and communications with previously unforeseen energies, while another in a lower realm might not even have the capacity to understand that form of communication as being a plausible possibility. These types of abilities are often prevalent in young children until our social standards mold their belief systems into boxes of what is perceived as being “acceptable” and what is to be disregarded and projected onto them as being “a figment of their imagination”. It is through this pressure to conform to societal beliefs of what is considered “acceptable” that many of our children are unfortunately taught to lower themselves from higher states of consciousness.
That of the 3rd dimension itself is the evolutionary plane for plants, insects and animals and was never intended to host human beings. Our true “home” exists of but not limited to the realms of the 4th dimension, which extends onward into other proceeding dimensions. Our existence within the 3rd is the result of our falling in consciousness. Out of curiosity, some souls chose to lower their consciousness to denser realms with a false belief that they could learn and enhance their experience in a more physical form within the 3rd dimension. Over a long period of time they began adapting to the animalistic natures of the 3rd dimension itself. Splitting their once androgynous forms into a polarity of male and female, and creating a reality in which their soul would embody a segmented mirroring as a multitude of different aspects. Much like someone who becomes addicted to drugs, it happens slowly until the mind itself is caught up in a deep denial of that addiction, eventually forgetting what life might have been like beforehand.
Within this 3rd dimensional state of consciousness exists polarity. Positive and negative energies propel the varying plant, and animal kingdoms within these realms through to their evolution. It is in their innate intelligence that they are able to function in a way that incorporates both order and chaos into the progression of a natural balance.
Acting out the predispositions of an animalistic world through a human consciousness can become very disorienting. One begins to forget their higher knowing as they become confused within these lower realms of consciousness. That of a 4th dimensional consciousness is a state beyond conflict. A state of universal tranquility emanates within and throughout, as pure joy is reverberated in the full embodiment of love. Experiencing the contrast of the 4th dimension to that of the 3rd has created much trauma forming into unhealed wounds. These wounds bind ones to lower realms of consciousness until they are acknowledged, understood and then healed. As ones begin to heal, they activate a reawakening into an awareness that allows memories of knowledge and wisdom to reemerge. It is within healing that we become whole again. It is within healing that we begin the journey home towards a 4th dimensional consciousness that reflects back to us the truth and essence of whom we really are.
This information may awaken relief to those whom have previously subscribed to the pains and punishments taught throughout many religious teachings and belief systems. A teaching that preaches of ones being cast into hell for sinning against the written law of a man made god.
The good news is that nobody is “going to hell”. The unfortunate understanding is that were already there. That of the 3rd dimension itself can be described as a “hell on earth” viewed from the standpoint of a human soul functioning within and of a 3rd dimensional consciousness. Look at how widespread war and hatred has become within our societies. If one is not at war or holding hatred towards another, they are often experiencing an internal war and producing hatred towards themselves. Look at the escalation of pain and suffering that is promoted and perpetuated throughout our world. Statements like pain and suffering are a requirement for growth”, or stated, “no pain no gain” are not only false proclamations but also debilitating belief systems.
Depending on your current state of consciousness will determine how the severity of that hell is expressed within your own personal reality. If you are operating through a higher realm of consciousness within the 3rd dimension, your existence here may be much more tolerable than say that of someone who is deeply entrenched within an addiction.
One who has returned to a 4th dimensional consciousness will experience their reality in ways that are simply incomprehensible to someone who is not at that same level of consciousness. This state of consciousness would be akin to experiencing “heaven on earth”. We are at a critical timeframe where we have the opportunity to begin the journey home towards this state of awareness. This awareness is created by learning to love ourselves and by allowing ourselves to undergo a personally profound internal healing.
That being said, the most important thing to acknowledge is that your consciousness is uniquely dependent upon your individual free will and the result of your choices.
The above should help to establish a context for the polarized environment in which we have chosen to reside. I would like to highlight the fact that I am becoming more aware of an increasing number of people turning to psychoactive substances and plant based DMT. For those who are not yet aware of DMT or otherwise known as Dimethyltryptamine, it is a biological molecule that can be produced through plants, chemicals arrangements in a lab, or excreted from the pineal gland within the human brain. When the brain is healthy and our melatonin and serotonin levels are in balance, the pineal gland will naturally produce DMT allowing for the individual to perceive their life from a much larger and more supreme awareness. This can give the individual access to a higher understanding through an expanded state of consciousness. In truth this is our natural state of being in which most of humanity has shut off and sifted into their unconscious.
DMT can truly be a wonderful expression of our body’s ability to access and perceive from a larger perspective. The issue I will arise is that it’s individually coded to your own internal design and therefore cannot be reproduced from any external sources to give accurate insights or truthful perceptions about yourself or your reality. What I am getting at is that human based DMT is a different experience than plant based, or man made chemical based DMT. An individual cannot easily disregard a higher truth when it is coming from being personally and internally experienced without participating in the consumption of an external substance. Since plant based DMT is a 3rd dimensional entity, what is experienced when consuming it are pictures based within the illusions and polarities of the 3rd dimension.
I have noticed an increasing number of people turning to plant based DMT and other psychoactive substances with the belief or perception that it is both a pathway to healing and a pathway to higher states of consciousness. Anyone who uses methods “outside” themselves in an attempt to accelerate or accentuate their journey of healing or experiencing higher states of consciousness will only be strengthening the cycles that keep them caught up in pain and confined in their own limiting belief systems.
There are many who have expressed enlightening stories of how their lives have been changed for the better because of the visions and experiences they had during one of these mind altering substance ceremonies. Yet again those visions they had may be true to the 3rd dimension, they are not true or useful for the conscious reconnection with ones soul.
I’ve yet to meet anyone who has reached their full purpose and potential through the use of substances, yet I have witnessed many whom have lost touch with themselves while indulging under the influence.
How many people have conveyed their extravagant vision to “change the world”, yet their own internal reality stands upon an unstable foundation. How many people convey an image of outward love yet apply little to no energy towards cultivating love and care upon themselves. The emphasis is on using wisdom to discern whether or not someone is actually living up to his or her own teachings.
I understand this article may be controversial to many whom have built strong beliefs that substances like Ayahuasca or Peyote and others are tools for healing with no negative effects. If this is you, this article is not to make you wrong, but to bring awareness and inspire you to ask deeper questions within your own self.
Something that I’ve heard repeated is that these substances are “grandmother or grandfather medicine” or the “voice of the earth”. In truth humans have the ability to communicate with all of their ancestors, and all living elements including the earth. If you want to communicate with your ancestors or the earth, I would suggest spending more time in nature quieting your mind through meditation in which that communication can become an ongoing relationship that is built upon the foundations of inner growth and a dependable personification of your expanded awareness.
Not only do these substances reprogram the individual with false pictures and false messages, it is also straining and depleting the body’s natural supply of melatonin and serotonin. When our biological system becomes out of balance, it can create greater imbalances within our hormones, keeping ones cycling in a loop. This negatively impacts our pineal gland and can make it much more difficult for someone to produce their own individually encoded human based DMT. This further prolongs their journey of experiencing their own healing and their own individual spiritual awakening. The repercussions of consuming plant based or lab based DMT can remain active in the body for upwards to 6 months or more triggering a multitude of issues throughout different time frames. One may ingest the ingredients of say Ayahuasca and 3 months later all of a sudden experience a physical, mental or emotional breakdown completely unaware of the connection their body is reacting to stems from the imbalances originally caused from the substance. By throwing the hormonal systems out of balance many begin experiencing differing symptoms such as organ and gland deficiencies, anxiety, depression, insomnia and many more. In some cases it has had the side effect of leading to mental illnesses and even ones becoming schizophrenic. Prolonged use of these substances ultimately will lead to brain tumors, as was likely unfortunately the case for the psychedelic enthusiast Terence McKenna. Here is a quote by Terence that says a lot about his internal process upon the final days of his life.
“I always thought death would come on the freeway in a few horrifying moments, so you’d have no time to sort it out. Having months and months to look at it and think about it and talk to people and hear what they have to say, it’s a kind of blessing. It’s certainly an opportunity to grow up and get a grip and sort it all out. Just being told by an unsmiling guy in a white coat that you’re going to be dead in four months definitely turns on the lights. … It makes life rich and poignant. When it first happened, and I got these diagnoses, I could see the light of eternity, à la William Blake, shining through every leaf. I mean, a bug walking across the ground moved me to tears.”
It was upon his process of passing away that he began to experience more profound understandings about life than all the years he had experienced upon mind altering substances.
The choice to take in these substances is a choice based on escapism, therefore adding misalignments to the bodies ability to regulate itself innately within its own design. The reprograming of the brain through the use of psychoactive chemicals foreign to your own composition can create an ongoing consequence of many unfortunate physical, mental and emotional issues. There are many plant and chemical based drugs to question and become aware of such as LSD, MDMA, DMT, DXE, or Ketamine just to name a few. What they all have in common is the ability to temporarily suppress ones pain within false depictions of euphoria, which creates a compression for that pain to resurface later at an even greater intensity.
Now what about certain plant based drugs or “medicines” that are more culturally integrated into our society that can in fact be beneficial for health if used sparingly to assist in rebalancing the body, say that of Cannabis? While there are some health enhancing properties to plants like Cannabis that can aid in ones healing process many of them unfortunately are not used sparingly for any isolated purpose and can also be taken into the slippery slope of escapism and abuse. Not to mention that the majority of Cannabis produced today has been hybridized and significantly altered from its original blueprint to accentuate an elevated high, which exclusively promotes a state of addiction, prolonging and perpetuating the abuse and escapism. If one were to use Cannabis or any substance for that matter, it would be wise to first search their initial intent. If the intent is genuinely to use the substance to assist in creating a healing, then it may have a wonderful outcome. If the intent is not genuine and there is an underlining desire to use the substance for escapism, then the outcome may add even more pain and intensity to that which you are attempting to escape from.
While there are several psychoactive plant substances being used by what some would call ancient linages of traditional Shamans, I would urge caution as to the level of deception that has been brought into many of these Shaman’s practices. It is very rare to find an untouched civilization on the earth today and even so some of those that have been found have been linked to cannibalism, which is a sure way to lower ones consciousness. While some of these cultures do have a more balanced connection to the earth, many of them are not perfect and still exist within the animalistic environment of the 3rd dimension. To idolize a traditional Shaman is to disempower ones own self. Many “traditional” tribal Shamans have begun adapting to the western worlds disease of greed, control and out of balance power dynamics. They have their own personal agenda’s to accumulate wealth through charging foreigners big bucks to participate in their “ceremonial” practices. There have also been scenarios where these so called “Shamans” will take advantage and or abuse men and women during one of these ceremonies where the individual has lost control over their senses.
Another critical agenda that is supported by many Shamans is a physic or life draining attachment often instigated while the individual is vulnerably open due to these substances affects on their over all physical, mental and emotional disorientation of clear cognizance. These attachments are what I refer to as “cords”, which you can read and education yourself more about here. I’ve witnessed the compounding effects a cord or multiple chords can have on an individuals overall life experience. The more you understand how energy works and accept the fact that there are many things happening behind the scenes of what we’ve allowed ourselves to bare witness to, you begin to pay closer attention to how you are treating yourself and the choices you are making that lead to the creation of either more joy, or more pain. Many who have attracted cords into their lives due to making unwise choices or their lack of self love, often leads them down very dark passageways. In most cases this usually involves their participation in some form of a painful addiction.
Not all Shaman’s are negative, there also exists positive Shaman’s whom genuinely desire to assist others. These Shamans do not need substances to utilize their abilities while obtaining further knowledge and wisdom. In regards to working with any Shaman, I would advise common sense, critical thinking and the use of ones own intuition. I also would recommend connecting with your own inner Shaman, your own personal access to expanded states of awareness that exists within everyone.
On another note, there have also been stories of these substances curing addictions. What is often actually the case is that it’s replacing one addiction with another less obvious one. Research the support given from elite corporations and government efforts to deliberately supply, propagate, and prolong the drugging of our society on a multitude of levels from very young children to the elderly, and from pharmaceutical prescriptions to hard-core street drugs. An addicted person is easily influenced and controlled by both non-physical entity attachments and subjective subliminal programing. When one opens their psychic fields through the use of controlled or uncontrolled substances, they are taking the chance of attracting onto themselves a harmful attachment. By opening yourself in these ways you are satisfying the thirst of negative entities that feed off the creation and perpetuation of painful thought forms and painful emotions.
The solution is simple. Become more aware and discerning about your choices and what is offered to you in regards to substances. Ask yourself what is your intention around these substances, and why do you need anything outside of yourself to fulfill that intention.
Many will jump at any opportunity to end their pain. The only way to end your pain is to understand and heal that pain within and of yourself. There is always loving assistance and valuable tools offered to those who truly have an intention to heal and who are willing to receive such support and assistance. Your greatest tool is your ability to choose love, respect, and honor towards yourself. We all have free will, and true enlightenment comes from using our free will to make wise choices.
There are some plants and substances that were never intended for human use. Ask yourself, are you running to these substances with hopes that they will heal you, save you, or enlighten you? The deeper question to ask is are you running to these substances because you are afraid of looking at unresolved issues, because you are afraid of looking at your true self?
Part Two
Some time after writing this article I had encountered numerous people all asking me about Psilocybin and whether its effects were positive or negative. Below is my reply.
As some may have read my article titled “DMT & the Polarities Of The 3rd Dimension”, I can hopefully shed some light in clarifying about this substance.
Much of what I wrote about in the article in regards to the consumption of DMT also applies for that of Psilocybin.
These substances are damaging to the human body, particularly the brain.
How many people are consciously and unconsciously looking for a way out of pain yet in the process are creating even more?
Why is it that so many people on this planet are unhappy and have experienced a wide range of traumatic experiences? Are you one of those people? If so perhaps searching for the root of the issue within self would be more advantageous than chasing after substances that may give the illusion of temporary relief but rather causes a cascade of unbalanced biology to occur within the human body and brain.
Many do not understand the direct connection their physical body has to their mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.
I’ll use anger as an example. One who allows themselves to harbor negative anger is causing damage and a toxic build up within their liver. The energy of anger is indeed stored in the liver. Often ones who have an issue with anger will unconsciously attract to themselves things that perpetuate and increase the intoxication until they decide to understand the issue and work towards resolution.
When one begins to work at healing their physical liver, they give relief and greater ease to allow for a healing to occur with their issues of anger. The opposite also applies. If one were to for example go to therapy to work on their issues with anger, the process and intent of desiring to resolve the issue will begin to ease the burden on the physical organ of the body.
Another example would be, if someone had intense fear, they would begin causing physical damage to their kidneys as that is were fear is stored in the body. What if we were to look a little deeper and see that the body is a fully integrated closed looped system that functions and works in unison of all of its parts.
Perhaps by throwing one organ, gland, or hormone out of balance it could create a ripple effect of causing issues within another? Perhaps one has a lot of fear, which then begins damaging their kidneys, which then begins overtaxing the liver, which then begins to cause issues with anger, which then that anger begins pushing away love causing grief “in the lungs” and then, and then, and then. I think you get the point.
By bringing the body back into alignment, back into balance with its original design, then we also assist in bringing our mental and emotional well being back into alignment as well, as they are not separate.
By embracing a path of healing ones can begin to reap the benefits of enjoying their lives.
Is it hard to heal? Perhaps it can be challenging at times, but I assure you that it is much harder not to heal than it is to heal. Healing is like removing heavy weights of pain off of your body and your mind. Choosing not to is like adding heavier and heavier weights to the pile.
If you are someone who chooses to take substances that were never intended for human consumption, you have the free will choice to choose to do that. I will not judge, condemn, or try to convince you otherwise. It is your life, not mine.
Although what I will do is provide some education and understanding as a forewarning of the potential damage you are doing to your mental and emotional well being as well as your physical body.
As for those who may be experiencing pain, anxiety, or confusion in their lives, I would encourage you to seek assistance through some form of grounded therapy. I will attach a link here to my own services as an option or encourage you to find someone you feel comfortable working with that can provide support and assistance on your journey of healing.
Life can be a beautiful adventure, and each individual has the power within him or herself to create a total and complete healing. Whatever it is that may be troubling you, know that there is a way out of pain. That way can be found by searching deep within yourself.
Who knows what you might find. Perhaps you might find your own soul purpose pathway to individual enlightenment.
Life is meant to be enjoyed. Wouldn’t it be nice to make choices that supported the growth of more joy in your life?
– Christopher John Hills V
The information is not only need to read but to understand more fully how it is in our own inner healing, of self love, self compassion and and respect for ourselves is when true healing occurs