GMO’s The Trojan Horse Of The 21st Century

September 2, 2018 Christopher John Hills V

What are GMO’s?

Most people know what GMO’s are by now, short for genetically modified organism’s. GMO’s are the result of genes being taken from the DNA of a vast array of different species from plants, bacteria, viruses, insects, animals and even human beings. These genes are then unnaturally forced into the genetic structures of unrelated organisms, primarily plants and animals. Although what most people are not aware of, or have become in denial about is what these counterfeit foods are doing to the well being of humanity as a whole. GMO’s are the result of lab scientists attempting to prove themselves more intelligible then nature itself. For over half a century these scientists have been altering the DNA and genetic structure of foods in a method that would not naturally materialize in nature. But why and for what purpose?

The Illusion

Their clause states it’s for increased crop yields and to raise their desired product’s tolerance to herbicides and pesticides. They claim that their products are thoroughly tested for allergic reactions or other adverse effects before they are brought to the market place and that GMO foods are not only safe for consumption but the solution to a starving world.

This is a masquerade played by the major corporations in an attempt to fool ones into believing their lies.

Their peer reviewed studies and alleged health organizations are more often then not either influenced in the corruption of money games or owned by the very cooperation’s themselves.

What I will be addressing in the following is to educate and bring awareness to the truth behind both the problem and the agenda of GMO foods and what we can do individually and collectively to restore our natural balance upon this disastrous issue we are now facing across our world.

The Problem

Unfortunately the obsession to dominate the natural world has enthused the global elites to continue their destructive path in pushing forward their well planned ruling command of genetic experimentation. Although their cleverness to create through these methods may seem advanced to some, it is void of having any heart towards humanities well being and the greater spiritual evolution of our human existence. It is in our cultures chemically induced brains that we have allowed the unattended lesions of such irresponsibility to become the spawning grounds for the coming societal chaos that continues to grow like wildfire. The results of genetically modifying foods translates not only to having these plants being an unnatural and foreign conception but also to additionally dousing them with highly toxic and poisonous chemicals. The herbicides and engineered insecticides get soaked into these crops and in turn humanity continues to consume them.

The problem is that these GMO foods are the cause and effect of an epidemic destruction within our own bodies and upon the very foundations of our planet. The paradox comes from opposing scientists proving GMO’s to cause a bounteous array of health challenges in people of all ages. This insensitive creation has furthermore been stripping the earth of its naturalness thus straining it from doing what it knows how to do best. That is to use its innate sentient intelligence to provide life supporting wellness and prosperity upon its inhabitance. From the destruction of our soils comes the downfall of our entire ecosystem. Most have not fully realized that everything in life is connected and plays an intimate role to support the livelihood of the whole. The damage done by our imbalance with nature has in turn lowered our worlds overall immune system. Our bodies and brains are not properly being nourished with the rapidly decreasing lack of nutrients coming from our contaminated food supply. We have polluted our air, we have polluted our lands, we have polluted our waters, and all of this is in direct relation to the pollution of the human body. The symbiotic relationship we have to all things in life is impacted by our lack of self-care in contribution to the whole.

In order to properly come to understand what is happening to humanity with this covert insertion of these deceptive foods we must first come to recognize that all energy carry’s not only movement, but also differing levels of consciousness. Thus by universal law, like energy attracts like energy and an equal level of that energies consciousness. That which you are within, is that which is reflected back to you from the holographic sphere of your awareness that populates your reality.

So what exactly is the energy and consciousness of GMO foods? The answer is death, and GMO’s attempt to supersede that which is living into that which is dying. An attempt to convert a life of joy into a life of pain. These foods activate a reprograming of the brain to the energy of death and begin separating cells in the brain itself. They begin creating an imbalance in our hormones and in our genetics. Therefore the consumption of impure foods becomes the interior breakdown of an impure consciousness.

The fundamentals of these foods are being altered to match the consciousness of toxic chemicals. The consciousness of a pesticide is one that is designed to terminate. By putting that consciousness into your body you are essentially choosing to align yourself with the energies of war and destruction. You begin making unwise choices that contributes towards cultivating an energy of extermination from the inside out. We live in a universe that is constantly creating a holographic reality that is a reflection of what lays hidden and active within ourselves. If we are bitter and angry we see our world through the lens of those qualities. We are thus a vibrational match to creating and attracting others into our lives that are also full of resentment and hostility. Therefore what ever exists in your inner reality, will begin reflecting back to you from your outer reality. Like a moth to a flickering light, you begin attracting to you others that are a mirrored alikeness to that which you hold within.

These GMO’s in turn affects your overall social behavior, creating a multitude of different attitudes and self deprecating belief systems. In addition it begins activating weaknesses within your genetic heritage, which can manifest as a number of dieses within the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. The act of placing genetically modified foods into your body can greatly increase the difficultly of healing any of these issues if they have already surfaced.

One of the primary reasons this issue with GMO foods has been allowed to continue to exist is because of its stealthy approach to go unnoticed affecting the body and consciousness of an individual slowly over an extended period of time. It begins building not only within the organs of the body but also within the very fabric of your genetic structure. If your family has a history of any number of health challenges for example, cancer, heart disease, depression or schizophrenia, it begins altering your genetics and empowering any of those inherited genetic weaknesses to rapidly accelerate into their full manifestation.

It doesn’t take much to realize the current state of our collective mass consciousness. The mental and emotional catastrophe that is occurring not only in adults but also drastically affecting the well being of our children. Adolescents and children are the most susceptible to the ill effects of these foods. Many of our youth carry within them fear and depression. Some regress to anger or develop destructive ambitions. Much like their parents, they do not know how to deal with their feelings therefore they repress them. Anything that is repressed is under a state of compression, and when it resurfaces it often is expressed as a harmful eruption. This again is perpetrated by a society that has become numbed of self-expression, a society that has forgotten how to feel.

Cancer, suicide and mental illness has skyrocketed in the past twenty to thirty years from what appeared to be a rare occurrence to that which has now become an epidemic. What happens when the next generation grows up believing that this is just “the way life is” and our current poor standards for living becomes that which is considered to be “normal”. With the masking bombardment of pharmaceutical drugs to “fix” the problems, which has proven to only further prolong them. In truth this is not normal! This is a sickness, a neurosis that is in dire need of self empowered individuals to begin speaking up to create a resurfacing of the truth revealing that which lies beneath the blindness of our collective psychosis.

Ask yourself what is it that you are eating? Not only do these foods perturb your physical body, but they also affect your mental, emotional and spiritual life experiences. As an example, if you eat something that has the energy and consciousness of depression, you are thus subjecting yourself to becoming depressed. By eating these foods you begin feeding the fire of a vast array of deteriorating mental, emotional and physical health issues.

This message would not be complete without mentioning some of the harmful effects of sugar. I could write an entirely separate article in regards to what sugar does to affect the body and the brain, and perhaps there will come a time where I will do so. Although for now I will address just a few things that I feel most should begin to become aware of. A low fat and high sugar diet begins reprograming your liver to stop communicating with your blood. It creates artificial highs and lows, exhausting the immune system and promoting anxiety, fear and anger. Sugar acts as a magnet to draw toxins into the body. An unbalanced indulgence of refined sugars quickly becomes an obsessive addiction and can create an attraction to the abuse and addiction of increased alcoholism. It also makes ones more receptive to a careless desire to consuming the consciousness of GMO foods. Eating sugar interferes with the healthy microbes in your intestines making ones passive and numbing their ability to feel. The sugar people are eating today is not the same as it was 50 years ago. It would be recommended to search what chemicals are being placed into sugar and how those chemicals are affecting the brain.

It may become more difficult for ones to awaken the truth within themselves when they are counteracting that awakening by concurrently involving themselves within energies that put them back to sleep at the same time. One may go to extended lengths using all sorts of methods attempting to heal an issue only to inflame that issue by being either unaware or in denial about the toxic chemicals they are inserting into their bodies. If one were to offer you food to eat that was laced with poison, and you knew it was poisoned, would you take it? Would you place it into your body? The unfortunate truth is that most do so every single day. Most do not even care enough about themselves that they are willing to live their life assassinating themselves into slow suicide. Most people are surprised when they get a disease or find out that they have cancer. What is important to understand is that each individual is the one who is solely responsible for creating any form of disharmony within their physical body. Through their self inflicted abuse or the repetitive negative thought patterns that they have allowed to ripple throughout their mind and emotions, they themselves are creating the outcomes of their own realities.

Are GMO’s the end all be all culprits to the creation of all these negative health issues? No, there are other factors that also contribute to these issues that I intend to write about in other articles, but GMO’s are certainly a primary contributor.

Now let me furthermore address that the problem is also intimately laced into the very fabric of a greater agenda.

The Agenda

By injecting poisonous chemicals and drugs into the genetics structures of a plant, if you were to eat that plant, it is the equivalent of injecting those toxins directly into your body. Therefore by the continued consumption of these products, you in turn are willingly volunteering to being both drugged and poisoned by the major corporations plan to keep you entombed into a life of sorrow confined by a mind entangled in the chains of passiveness. This is the more sinister agenda behind GMO foods as one of many ways in which the global elite have offered humanity the opportunity to choose their own enslavement.

A new widespread health issue is on the rise, and unfortunately the majority of our society is oblivious to its existence. This issue is slowly becoming known as leaky gut syndrome. It occurs due to an imbalance in the natural microorganisms that symbiotically work to maintain a healthy stomach and intestinal tract. It begins disrupting the natural flow of your body’s internal ecology. These microorganisms start dying off because of the toxic soup of chemicals you’ve placed into your body. This in turn leaves perforations in your gut in which tiny food particles begin leaking into your bloodstream. All of this creates a chain reaction of extensive inflammation within the gut, which has a direct connection to also causing inflammation within your brain. An inflamed brain is then easily controlled on multiple levels without conscious awareness from the individual that they are even being influenced. This is just one of many ways in which our brains are under assault and manipulation on a daily basis. Not only do these elite desire to generate profits, but they also desire to have control over our brains. The assignment is to pacify humanity to submit to their ruling commands. The best way to control a slave is when they are unconscious to the fact that they even are one. It is unfortunate that our culture has come to this, and that the few who have awakened to this truth are far outnumbered by those who still remain passively persuaded in a captivated and mentally induced slumber.

Many have crept into the caves of their own denial refusing to look at the inconvenience of these issues. Because of the delayed negative repercussions and a lack of motivation for taking self responsibility over the quality ones life, the result has been dismissal of any willingness to accepting the truth of their own demise. The ego identity initiates an insincere viewpoint to convince themselves that these foods and authoritative actions are benevolent. They begin making false claims that there is nothing to prove them otherwise. Trying to get someone to see the authentic truth of their own life is completely senseless if they refuse to even open their eyes. If ones were to truly research with an unbiased opinion they would find many conflicting test results done on GMO foods, which have been veiled, suppressed, and silenced in secrecy. If ones were to sincerely reveal what has been happening behind the scenes with these genetic labs and scientists, and the prolonged implications on their bodies and consciousness, society would finally rise out from the ashes of their compliance to conforming to the ruling corporate powers agenda of worldwide passive obedience.

A question to ask is why do we now live in a society where the majority of our children are depressed, angry or addicted to a multitude of harmful substances. Why is it that many of these children are intoxicated on pharmaceuticals in order for them to feel what societies deranged perspective is of what is now considered to be “normal”. The ones who are responsible for manufacturing GMO foods are less interested in converting adults as they are in grooming the beliefs systems and habits of your children. They aim to persuade them into accepting their agenda as something that is considered to be a commonplace inevitability of their existence. The way something that is very negative is allowed to be played out and accepted is by introducing it slowly to the consciousness allowing it to marinate and become immersed into the unconscious psyche. It is then reinstated over and over until the consciousness begins to familiarize and accept it as routine and customary. This is planned out many generations prior to its introduction before it becomes imbued upon our society. Would your ancestors accept and allow the drugging of your children by major corporate companies? Certainly not! Yet we are tranquilizing children into middle ground monotony in order to alleviate the stress from their parents not having the courage to stop lying to themselves, pretending that everything is fine when they are living in a corrupt, polluted and self punishing society. We preach for our children not to do drugs, yet live in a world full of hypocrisy. Forcing pharmaceutical drugs upon our children as we conform to our cultures deceitful mental conditionings. Our civilization is being acclimatized to accept GMO’s and inoculations of hormonal disparities are being impregnated within the genetic structure of foods. The agenda is propagated to get you to accept these harmful issues as being considered normal, conventional, and everyday ordinary. Much of this deceitful behavior began during the end of world war 2 and stems partly from experiments done by the Nazi’s. The genetic splicing and cloning of plants, animals, insects and even human beings is nothing new. It has been consistently ongoing in underground military bases for decades. Will you remain purely human, or allow yourself to become meek and obedient to the conditioning of accepting the alternations of your genetic foundation? Do you seek to be controlled by a master or to be reunited with the empowerment of your soul? Will you become a cog in the creation of a passive society or arise to your sacred purpose as a unique and liberated individual? A critical time of choice, a critical time to choose wisely.

“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple”.

-Bill Mollison

The Solution

The solution is rather quite simple, but it first must be implemented on an individual level. We have nothing to fear, for with free will choice the full actualization of your life will always be yours. If you want to change the world, you must first change the world within yourself. To experience peace, you must first become peaceful. It all comes down to the choices you make throughout your life experience. What are those choices and how are they making an impact on the whole of humanity? People are like ripples on top of a large pond of water. Together we make up the whole pond, yet each ripple effects where the life force of this larger body of water will flow to next in the future creation of what’s to come. One who has a strong and healthy body, will have in turn a healthy mind and makes for themselves and the world around them, wise and healthy choices. All these problems can only exist through our participation and perpetuation of feeding the fire of the very origins of their conception. Organic none GMO foods can assist in ones who want to heal. Ask yourself what are you supporting with your economic exchange of money. Are you supporting those who are promoting the poisoning of our people, or are you supporting those who are offering a healthy solution. Pay close attention to how you use your energy and how you might be indirectly associated with the manufacturing of these harmful issues. If everyone became honest with themselves and others, our world would change very quickly. Each individual holds great power through the proper utilization of our economics. “We the people” are the ones who created this civilization by exchanging our time and energy with others, therefore “we the people” have the power to change the tides and sail our way towards the creation of a much more harmonious world.

Ones might want to ask themselves what kind of life do they wish to live? A life of joy or a life of pain? Most all would choose to live a life of joy, although in order to live a life full of both passion and serenity one must begin to love themselves. The act of self care is in itself an act of self love. This brings us to the importance of not only how we treat others but also how we treat ourselves. We are born into these lives and each person has been gifted with a holy temple in which they are embodied. These temples are a sacred place in which your consciousness has chosen to reside. It is of great importance to begin treating ourselves and others with unconditional love and respect. The more we purify our physical bodies, the more we begin cleansing our mental and emotional bodies as well. The more we purify that which is within, the more vibrant and heavenly our outer realities will become. The natural flow of nature gifts humanity freely foods that have been created with the earth’s innate wisdom. Foods that are in alignment in supporting the structure of our genuine human genetics. When we are in balance with the earth we are supported with a healthy immune system, a healthy brain, a healthy heart, all in an authentic flow of beneficial life force energy that is pulsated throughout our human form. Become aware of your overall wellbeing and examine what you might be trading in exchange for the offering of convenience. It may not be convenient to both search for and act upon a healthier lifestyle, but only you can determine your own self worth and whether or not you will allow yourself to personify the integral embodiment of a magnificent quality of life.

Now some have made an assumption that they have the power to transmute the negative effects of consuming ill inducing foods, and to a varying degree there is truth to ones developing the ability to do so. Although it would be wise to know with certainly that you’ve accomplished such an ability to positively alchemize these foods or you may later find yourself fooled by your own misunderstandings. It is accurate to state that there are some that can place pure toxins into their body and remain unaffected. A true master could certainly eat and transmute GMO foods, although the question to ask, would a true master ever make the choice to eat them in the first place?

Implementing The Solutions:

Solution #1

Detoxifying and cleansing your body

If you are one who desires to choose a path of healing, it would be important to begin cleansing and detoxifying your physical body. The simple act of taking time to slow down and thoroughly chew your food creates a big impact in aiding your restorative journey. I would advise you to begin educating yourself about “Leaky Gut Syndrome” to determine whether or not it has become a factor in disrupting the well being of your stomach and brain. If so, it will need your attention and healing.

Search for foods that help the body to cleanse and detoxify all your organs. Psyllium Husk is a very beneficial food to help assist the cleansing of GMO’s. As a precautionary note, Psyllium Husk should be accompanied by drinking lots of water, and taken close to bedtime about 2 hours after eating. I would also recommend regularly taking BioLumina Spirulina for its enriched nutrition and continual purification of the body.

Solution #2

Grow your own food

There is a quote many have heard before, “you are what you eat”. There is some truth to that statement but what I would add is, how many people know where their food is actually coming from? Another quote could be “if you don’t know what you are eating, you don’t know yourself.” Our culture has become disconnected from the natural world which has created much confusion as to who and what we are as human beings. When one creates a garden to grow their own food, they begin to empower themselves to reconnect with the roots of their purpose for living and their own inner truth. When one becomes responsible for the creation of their own basic needs, they will begin to feel more grounded, free, and less impacted by the negative intentions of others.

Permaculture is a wonderful way to begin to reopen the doorway to the natural world. Our natural world is embedded with a living library of information that once understood has the potential to reveal the answers to greater depths of knowledge about our universe.

Solution #3

Vote with your dollar! You have the power to say no!

Stop supporting the creation of these products by no longer allowing yourself to purchase them. Replace those products you used to purchase by supporting people who are offering an alternative solution. Most all restaurants and markets that sell foods crafted with GMO ingredients need to be boycotted in order to send a message that we will no longer support the destruction of our world, and if they would like our business it is time for them to adapt and change towards caring about the health and wellbeing of their customers. If enough people begin to do this, change will occur. It must first start with each individual making a stand that they truly value their own well being. The majority of restaurants and food services use GMO’s ingredients in the preparations of your meals. Choose instead to find a restaurant or market that actively supports and provides non-GMO all organic products and produce. This can be difficult for some due to social pressures to conform to our collective mass consciousness. If you continue to do what everyone else is doing there will be little room left for you to become your most authentic self. It is time to love yourself over the desire for others to love you. Use your power and take responsibility over your life and your choices. You are not victims to a system, you are either changing the system with your individual free will choice or contributing to its destructive tendencies through acts of self punishment and denial. Lead by example by becoming the change you aspire to see in this world. If enough people can state “No!” to all that causes pain and destruction, then those things will begin to dissipate and fall to dust. Together we stand, and divided we fall. Currently humanity is un-unified, the majority has yet to realize the implications of their actions and the truth that we are all interconnected. The choice is always yours, and in every moment you are offered the opportunity to reawaken your conscious awareness or to continue to induce yourself into a prolonged slumber.

Solution #4

Educate yourself and others.


The global corporations and governments of our world do not desire us to know and understand the truth of what is going on with our food supply. Although there are many who have dedicated their life’s work towards helping to educate others upon the reality of this misfortunate tragedy. It is not that we are victims to these scientists, governments and corporations. We must come to understand that we are the ones who created this empire. Through our own passiveness we have allowed these issues to continue, we have participated and purchased our way into global dominance of authoritative tyranny. The uncomfortable truth is that “we the people” have it done it to ourselves.

When ones begin to awaken to the truth inside themselves, it is in their souls innate desire to assist others with an unwavering compassion towards the humbling heart of humanity. If you truly desire liberation, it is a necessity to liberate yourself. It would require becoming proactive and open minded towards searching and educating yourself about the truth of what we have allowed to be created within our collective society.

Educating yourself about GMO foods and the many issues that have inhibited humans from thriving with the monetization of our basic fundamental requirements for living a healthy and happy life. Is not free access to land in cultivating our own self sufficiency through clean food, water and shelter the blue print of our original birthright?

Educate others, and don’t be afraid to speak the uncomfortable truth. If everyone began using their voice to speak up about these issues, then our world would begin to change.


Now that you’ve been given this knowledge it is important to use wisdom. If you continue to participate in consuming or supporting the creation of these foods, do not expect to blame anyone else for any illness or hardships that may arise in your life. There is no escape or excuse, you and only you have the ability to take full responsibility for your choices. Choose wisely, do you want pain, or do you want joy? It is always and will forever be your own free will choice.

Did I want to write about this? No, I wish that these issues never existed in the first place so that I wouldn’t have to speak about them. This has been written out of an act of love. I could no longer bear witnessing the people I loved and cared about in an act of uneducated self destruction. If I could begin to educate them about it then at least they could then make a free will choice as to whether or not they would continue their annihilation or begin to make steps towards the pathway of their own empowered liberation and healing. By not speaking, I feel that I am contributing to the problem. By making my voice heard I could only hope that it might inspire others to begin both living and speaking the truth about these deadly issues that unfortunately have plagued our planet. Knowing what you know now, you too have become initiated into the responsibility of sharing this information to our brother sister souls whom equally inhabit and contribute to the continued detriment or uprising preservation of our planet.

“Everyone wants to be the one to change the world, but wouldn’t it be so much easier if we changed this world together.”

-Christopher John Hills V


Educational Resources:

Institute For Responsible Technology

The Guardian, Exposing Monsanto’s Secretes

Round Up Weed Killer Cancer Trial

6 Comments on “GMO’s The Trojan Horse Of The 21st Century

  1. Such an important article….. let’s spread it far and wide….. “Power to the People?

  2. Thank you Christopher for doing your part to educate others and transform your self to be a thought provoking agent of change.

  3. Brilliant! Your perspective on the effects of GMOs on humans’ every realm of existence is frightfully accurate. GMO = Death. Organic Whole Food = Life. Your Biolumina Spirulina is awesome btw!
    I love the eloquent poetry ineterwoven within your message,
    It’s good to note that not all sugars are the same. Sugars from fruit and fresh juice are completely different than refined sugars. Certainly you will make this apparent in your article on sugar.
    Your explanation of leaky gut is not entirely accurate. According to the Medical medium book I suggested you read, it is actually ammonia permeability, not perforations with food particles leaking through. That can happen too, in rare cases, but ammonium gas seaping out of the gut is the root of the problem.
    Another solution is to grow ones’ own food. That goes along with voting with dollars
    Thank you for the inspiration, brother! Keep on shining your light!

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