What does a lie do for you? Does it keep you safe? If everyone else believes a lie, are you better off believing it too? If everyone else believes a lie, is it dangerous if you know the truth?
How many times have you been lied to? And by what? And by whom?
Have you been lied to a hundred times? A thousand times? Hundreds of thousands? Perhaps even millions of times throughout your life? How many times have you lied to yourself inside your own mind? How many times have you known you were lying, yet were too afraid to accept the truth?
Is the truth frightening? Perhaps even horrifying? Is it mean? Is it cruel?
There is a saying in our world, “The truth will set you free”. How many have tested this philosophy for themselves? A simple philosophy: In order to be free, one must live the truth.
Yet, how many prefer to play it safe imprisoned in a life of lies? Besides, everyone else is doing it so it must be the “socially acceptable” thing to do?
How many choose to live a lie so that they can be just like everyone else? Just like everyone else… Just like everyone else…
Is it inappropriate to rock the boat by speaking the truth? Or, is that just another one of the millions of lies?
In our world it takes courage to be truthful. Have you ever wondered why something so simple as telling the truth would be courageous?
What or whom has taught so many people to be afraid of the truth? Why would so many rather judge, condemn, or attack those who speak the truth? More importantly why do governments fear those who speak the truth? After all “the truth will set us free”, right?
Is not our government created by the people for the people? Or, is that another lie?
Recently, I got in touch with one of my elementary school teachers. In a quest to learn more about my past, I had asked her what I was like when I was a child.
Here is what she said:
“I knew your family before you were in my class. Both of your sisters were in my son’s classes at your previous school. My friend worked for your family. She said there was much conflict and turmoil between your parents. She was concerned with the effects of the disruptive environment, especially for you.
School was hellish for you and you ended up at a new school; the one I was teaching at. Both of your parents were then with different partners. When you first came to our school you were real shut down like someone who had already had enough already.
You worked with another teacher, but you were resistant to learning anything that was difficult and you had not yet learned to read. You were non-compliant at times, hiding under the tables and refusing to interact.
Next, you moved up to my class and you and I really hit it off. You were more compatible in my class, but the academics were still behind. You didn’t truly learn to read or write until you were between the ages of 11 & 12.
I recall a spelling trick you taught the class for the word ‘believe’. You said, ‘Look for the little word lie, and remember, never believe a lie!’”
There were many ways this teacher assisted me throughout my early days at school. I feel fortunate to have had a teacher that actually cared; someone who was willing to work with me rather than against me. Someone who had my back and supported me to continue along my path.
What stood out to me the most was her mentioning my teaching to the class about the word believe and to “never believe a lie.”
Even at that young age I was rather rebellious. I knew I was being lied to, and I was already tired of it. I knew that our society had been built upon layers and layers of lies and there was a part of me that understood what believing those lies was doing to our psyche.
Some part of me knew that the story we were being told was simply that, a story. A narrative that, with enough belief behind it, could sculpt and create an entire reality.
Whether or not the narrative was based upon a lie, it didn’t matter. With a strong enough belief behind it, that lie would start to become true. True in the sense that it became an experience, an expression of our inner thoughts and personal wounds. I began to see our world is akin to a lucid dream where ones forgot or became unaware that they are even dreaming.
As a child, I questioned everything. As an adolescent and early teenager, I was often punished for that. Punished by a culture that has been lied to and programed to dispose of and ridicule truth. Programed to be afraid of their very own soul.
So, what happens to you when you believe a lie? When you believe a lie, you begin forgetting who you are. When you begin forgetting who you are, your world becomes a reflection of those lies until you look them in the eye and rediscover the truth.
But, why would you believe it? The answer is simple; when someone is in a state of fear, they lose their ability to critically think. When in distress the frequency brain wave that supports and brings forth insights of innovation and solution becomes inaccessible. It is during these moments of anxiety that ones are most susceptible to believing and taking in a lie.
Perhaps if you were to convince someone to be afraid of something with continuous reinforcement and propaganda, that person may become so fearful that they would believe or do anything you told them to do. How did Hitler convince so many people to become Nazi soldiers and persecute others who were “different”? For those who would like a deeper understanding, you can research the subject by examining a Stanford study done in 1971 that was later titled “The Lucifer Effect”.
Is our society being socially engineered through subliminal mind control? Are we being fed a five-course meal of repetitive unconscious programing to make us more obedient and fearful? A hard pill to swallow, but certainly worth exploring if you are one who desires to know the truth.
The fact of the matter is, thoughts become reality where beliefs support the structure of our thoughts in a way that ones believe their reality to be real.
What would your life be like if you were raised as a child with a completely different narrative? What would be your experience of life if you were never coerced and bullied to believe a single lie?
How strong are these lies, and how many lies have we been told?
What if one was to wipe away all the lies at once? Perhaps if they did, they would not be able to process it and their consciousness would shatter.
But why?
Perhaps because your entire existence of what you’ve believed to be true could very well be based upon a lie.
What if you have been living in a world that is completely upside down? To pull the veil from your eyes and to see what’s hiding behind the curtain might shock your mind.
Take for example a person at a young age who discovers a deep joy and passion for creating art. Allowing their imagination to be the fabric upon which their reality is formed. Visualize the limitless wonder of being able to experience and create whatever you can imagine.
Now, what if someone came along and taught that child a belief that was previously foreign to their mind? What if they taught them that to use the creative abilities they so loved and enjoyed was “evil, bad and wrong”. What if that child were to take on that belief and for the rest of their life they denied their creative abilities; they denied the power of their limitless imagination simply because they accepted the belief of a lie?
What if the life they had planned, and looked forward to, was replaced with a belief someone else wanted for them to live? What if that person wanted them to live a life in which they would be continuously punished, and by accepting that belief they no longer lived their own life but lived out someone else’s life instead.
What if you loved someone with all your heart, but someone else came along and told you that loving that person was “frowned upon”? What if you believed it and spent the rest of your life deeply depressed and in denial to the calling of your heart, simply because someone else convinced you to believe a lie: that following your heart was wrong?
Question what lies you’ve been taught and told by governments and religions. Question how much these institutions sell you fear, then offer you their protection. We live in the 21st century, yet perhaps we are the most fearful and unhappiest century of them all. Perhaps we are contingent on gathering too much information from others when we could be discovering the truth on our own.
The examples are endless of how believing a lie can capture and imprison the mind for an entire lifetime.
Perhaps the concept of time itself is a lie. Perhaps ones have become lost in believing the same lie, lifetime after lifetime.
Humanity has reached a time where each person will be greatly tested by their own consciousness; a time of great change as we approach a dividing of the wave. A splitting of worlds where ones allow themselves to become obedient to a group mind, just like everyone else… just like everyone else… Others will value their own authority releasing the shackles of oppression in order to live free as their sovereign individual self.
The lies you are told will increase in strength and severity. Now is the time to choose: will you continue believing all the lies? Or, will you awaken yourself by discovering your own inner truth?
Will you choose to continue to live in a lie? Or, will you choose the power of your own heart to create a whole new world of your own?
Question all your beliefs and ask yourself are those beliefs based upon a lie? Will you continue lying to yourself, or will you allow the truth to resurface from deep within?
The truth is not something you need to find. It already exists inside you. All you need to do to have it come forth is to remove all of the lies.
As our future unfolds, it will be important to remember and realize that the only person that can ever “save” you will forever and always be yourself.
If anyone tries to convince you otherwise, just remember,
“Never believe a lie!”
yes, good one,Chris.
We need to do our own work, but we’re never alone. That was a big aha for me.
I say Bring on the Truth. Many of us are ready and we’ll carry the ones still in fear.
Thank you Chris and thanks to your teacher who saw you and cared.
I can feel the passion!
Thank you for this. I had a really bad accident on Mother’s day. I am in great pain and can barely walk. I am using this moment to face my beliefs without distraction.
I have found that clarifying my perception has been of paramount importance.
A paradox is we cannot know until we know and divine timing is certainly part of the equation here.
So many people will want to tell us who we are based on their own beLIEfs and if we align to that lie, we be-come to that distortion. Soon we are taking on images and idols of what we are not, worshipping a limitation and not even conscious to what IS.
I love this invitation to consider something else. We most certainly are more than what we beLIEve.
Thank you ♡