Dismantling Modern Day Slavery

October 20, 2019 Christopher John Hills V

What is life? A question most certainly worth asking. A question I myself have pondered upon for quite some time.

What I have come to find is that when one begins to ask sincere questions from their heart, when their desire and intention is to discover truth, that truth shall be revealed to them.

But then comes the question, what is truth? Yet another very important question.

Many wars have been fought over differing opinions of whose truth is “the right truth”. The concept of good, bad, right and wrong is in denial of an even greater truth embedded within the sacred science of spirituality, rooted within our coexistence with the universal laws of nature. The intersecting philosophic evidence that gathers to form each perceivers own reality.

What is important is that each individual discovers what truth is in their own natal language, the language of their blood pulsing principals. Inquisitively questioning, is what I perceive to be truth, actually true?

Socrates, one of histories greatest philosophers was a huge advocate for this kind of critical thinking. Analytical discernment that summons the quest for truth to rise out of the darkness and into the light of our most logical understanding.

So what has this talk about truth have to do with your own individual life? The answer is everything.

Without the development and understanding of our own internal truth, we are essentially subjected to accepting a way of life, or a way of truth, that may actually have been based upon a lie.

The more one questions life itself, the more they begin to perceive their existence with an even crisper sense of clarity. An awareness of internal honesty begins to simmer to the surface and with it emerges the many polluted illusions that our culture has been swimming in for centuries.

At a young age, when I first began to question the concept of life itself, there were many things that did not make sense based upon the difference between the truths I knew within my heart and how our society lived their daily lives. I could not fathom how something so powerful, something so beautiful as life itself, could be stifled by the blindness of our complacent mediocrity for what our civilization was choosing. A mindless dishonoring of our soul, to live within a lack of inquisition upon the deeper significance of our very existence.

It did not take long to witness such a miracle of life being played out with such uninspired quality. This way of life we all have been living felt docile, hypnotic and kept crammed into a routine of captivity.

I observed children full of magic and passionate inspiration, slowly single filed into a system of obedient conformity. An entire generation left wandering in the dark of empty space. A vacuumed void of their once vivid elations of self-actualizing contemplation, the gusto and wellspring of their prying minds peering into infinity.

I myself as a child reeled with rebellion at the world I had chosen to engage with. I witnessed pain and suffering within my own identity as a mirrored reflection of the pain I felt present within others. Constantly attempting to grasp why we had designed life to be full of such dismay.

I not only saw the potential of a more harmonious vision, I knew it to be true from the deepest depths of my soul. Without this inner vision guiding me “home”, I most likely would have perished from the weight of living someone else’s life other than my own.

What Is Freedom?

Some may have heard the words “free will choice”, and to elaborate upon those words would be using your own will to make choices as to what manifestations you will allow to become a part your life.

It is each individual’s obligation to make use of their freedom by taking action. To recognize the power they have to take full responsibility for the establishment of their own reality. Placing into motion a balanced life journey towards the formation of their hearts desired outcome.

The blending between our physical body and the consciousness of our soul is a vehicle for creation. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly projecting energy into your reality, sculpting that reality to match that energies initial intention.

We either maintain the concentration of our own reality, or are caught up in the reality of our collective mass consciousness. Therefore we could feel completely open and free while our neighbor is caught up in the creation of their own internal imprisonment.

Freedom has everything to do with our own individual choices. What choices have been made that have brought us to this now moment. Have those choices been positive, or have they been negative? Have those choices been based upon love, or have they been based upon fear?

What ever physical, mental or emotional energy you hold within your internal self will be reflected back to you from the outer reality you are currently living in.

If we take a closer look at our world today, we can easily observe the lack of quality, care and compassion within our collective mass consciousness. The reflections of our cultures current creation has its origins primarily stemming from fear and scarcity.

Has our culture created a reality of freedom? Or has it enslaved itself into the passiveness of denial and self-deception?

Would you consider yourself free?

If you answered yes, then you just might be one of the rare few that have developed into a person full of unconditional love, a person one with the presence of peace, a person who exemplifies eternal fearlessness.

True freedom can only be found through engaging on the path of your own individual healing and making use of the freedoms you already have.

To ask yourself what are the intentions behind your choices in life. What patterns continue to repeat that promotes the continuation of a life lived in fear, survival and the separation from completely loving yourself within a genuine expression of joy.

How many choose to change themselves, to empower themselves out of the illusions of the collective mass consciousness?

Freedom is being completely honest with ourselves. In our world, freedom is not free, it must be worked for. Freedom is making a commitment to yourself, and following up on that commitment with both honor and action.

The Illusion:

We have been taught to believe that this way of life that the majority of our society has been living, is the only life there is.

We have been trained to function in a mode of continuous survival, dependent on external circumstances within a hierarchy of authority figures overseeing their dependents with the false promise to maintain the security and wellbeing of our lives.

We have been taught to trade in our precious time and energy in exchange for money, out of fear of successfully surviving. Programed into an endless striving for the approval seeking of an unattainable projection of perfection. The quest to deem ourselves worthy of love in a world that has forgotten what it truly means to be loving.

In order to understand this lie of survival we must first evaluate what it is that we are actually surviving from?

Once one begins down this path, they start to realize that wars are manufactured out of the compulsion to maintain fear over the population for means of control. More importantly ones begin to comprehend the critical importance of their primary basic fundamental needs, their most rudimentary requirements for living.

The Problem:

Our natural human birth rights to have unrestricted access to clean water, food and shelter, has been coopted by a specific few whom have positioned themselves to be in control over our fundamental needs in order to sell them back to humanity, thus securing their dominion over the masses.

The problem primarily resides within our belief systems. The beliefs we have been taught to live in fear of insufficiency not just on a physical level but also deeply embed into our cultures self esteem.

We have been raised to subliminally embrace a victim consciousness. We have been taught to relinquish our powers of creative imagination, surrendering to an external authority figures promise to provide us with their “almighty protection”. In this case those authority figures we have been brainwashed to both fear and worship have taken the form of governments, religions and major corporations.

It doesn’t take much wisdom to realize the corruption these institutions embody as they sleep within one another’s bed.

Yet when we take the time to observe our natural world we bare witness to all the plants, animals, and insects fulfilling their needs from the environments around them. An obvious cycling of symbiotic relationships in support of the whole of creation.

So why is it that all other creatures on our planet are capable of living in a way that is in balance with nature and not humans?

We claim to be the most intelligent species on this planet, yet based upon the ways we live our lives, it appears that we have been unwise, and have denied ourselves the courage to provide for ourselves a suitable solution.

It has now become obvious that we have polluted our planet, and brought our civilization to the brink of its own destruction.

At some point ones must ask themselves, how difficult is it to actually sustain the most essential principles for life, our own fundamental basic needs for living?

Is it difficult at all? Or is it that we have created a society that has made it inconvenient to do so?

Let us take a moment simply to evaluate what we ultimately need to live a joyful and prosperous life.

Logic would bring us to identifying first and foremost the things we as humans need to maintain both our physical embodiment and our mental and emotional well being.

When we break it down into a basic understanding, the obvious would be to evaluate first what our bodies need to sustain life.

On the physical level:

We have a pair of lungs that must breathe fresh “air”.

We have many organs of the body that are sustained by “food” and “water” that is converted into usable life force energy.

We need some form of “shelter” to rest in, and avoid being overexposed to the changing seasons intense polarity shifts in weather.

On the mental and emotional level:

We need to be in union with “nature” and feel connected to the pulse of our earth’s natural environment.

We need some form of “social connection” with others within our community.

We need time for “self-reflection” in order to discover our true self and maintain the creative expression of our own individuality.

As you can clearly see, this is a very “simplistic” list of basic fundamental human needs.

As a society we have accomplished complex innovations in our advancing technology. Constructing powerful computers, spacecrafts and enormous skyscraper buildings.

Yet individually most do not even know how to care for and cultivate their own basic fundamental needs.

We must question why?

Why do we live in a culture that is so disconnected from the source of its own well being?

If we began to shift our way of life to focus intently on building the foundation of our needs first and foremost, we would learn that the cultivation of those essential necessities would only increase the overall quality of our lives.

With a primary focus on living a life in full quality among total prosperity would lead us into an evolution of individual and collective healing.

The motivation for healing would be birthed out of our desire to uphold the pinnacle quality of life itself. Any unhealed relationship dynamics would interfere with maintaining quality within both our own sense of internal harmony and our social interactions.

We would begin to understand the power of personal responsibility and commence to mend our world, literally from the inside out.

Once we have established a strong foundation from the labors of our own creations, and have initiated ourselves onto a path of healing, we would then begin to feel drawn into an expression of our own unique individuality, our soul’s purpose for living.

A natural expression of our talents, skills and abilities would emerge as the innermost gift that we have to offer joy not only upon ourselves but shared among others in our surrounding communities.

We would quickly learn that actions towards any of these motives creates a simultaneous awakening of all of the above. One thing I’ve come to realize is how much life itself is carefully woven into the collaboration of concurrent connections.

What more could we ask for if all of our needs were being met? What more could we ask for if we truly understood the valuable implementation of our healing? To deeply embrace the feelings of genuine freedom. To explore and create without any thought of limitation from our inexhaustible imaginations. Sculpting this world into the pleasures of a paradise that reflected the inner vision that our hearts have longed for, a truly joyous and playful environment to live in.

It seems quite simple but what is actually keeping us from creating for ourselves this romantic utopian way of being?

The Agenda:

Unfortunately there has been in place an agenda to keep humanity in a passive state of silent slavery. This agenda primarily revolves around a control over our conscious awareness.

Our culture has literally been brainwashed and raised into believing a lie.

If you’ve never known any other way of life and have been taught to not question authority, then it becomes much easier to accept the assaulting haze of propaganda as truth.

In order to understand the indoctrination we as a society have metaphorically bought into dollar for dollar, it would help to trace our current belief systems to the beginning of our lives.

Once born into this world we begin learning and absorbing both energy and information from our environments. Depending on what that environment and upbringing consists of, often times will become the probable outcome of our lives.

It is only within a few years that we enter into some form of schooling system in which has been carefully designed to discourage individuality and promote obedience and conformity towards an outer authority. Punishment, shame, guilt and fear tactics are then employed upon children to ensure a repetitive sense of passive obedience within the child, which is then inherited into their adult life.

These children are taught a fabricated false idea of purpose and self esteem. They grow up chasing a false image of what it means to live “a successful and socially acceptable life” and thus negating their inner most calling, comes the normalization of their increasing depression.

If we were to give an appropriate label to this, it would be “social engineering”. A process of intimately grooming whole generations into subordinate conformity towards the belief systems of a pathetic man made design of how they want us to perceive our daily lives.

Once one begins to awaken to this fabricated form of self-induced slavery, it would benefit them to reflect on their human birthrights and educate themselves as to how they can begin to reclaim them.

These birthrights return us back to our fundamental basic needs. The question to ask next would be what is keeping ones from providing those needs for themselves in order to then live a free and prosperous life?

The answer to those questions revolves around one simple belief system, and that would be ownership of land.

In order to provide for your own needs it requires that the individual have access to do so by working in harmony with the earth. Yet we have been doped into believing that people can “own” the Earth.

But lets say you have worked very hard to purchase a plot of land outright. Based on our current structure of society do you actually own that land? The answer is No, you rent that land from your government in the form of property tax. What happens if for some reason you stop paying that tax, or for whatever the circumstance, you are no longer able to pay that tax? Do they not take back control over what was once considered to be “your” land?

This then in turn forces everyone to participate in the rat race money game even if they genuinely do not want to. Slavery is intimately woven into the very fabric of our society. In order to remove ourselves from it we must unite together in an act of non-participation of the systems injustices. There are many corrupt laws, rules and regulations set in place that are both disempowering and destructive towards our planet and our overall wellbeing.

In the meantime, we can begin building a bridge, we can be in the world but not of it. We the people, can start by first being willing to change ourselves. Being willing to return to a life that is grounded upon the foundations of self love and simplicity.

The more one begins to educate themselves about this dilemma, the more they begin to see the entrenched power control mechanisms set in place by our governments in order to maintain social compliance of their enslavement agendas.

When we start to understand the outrageous fees and restrictions placed upon what you can and cannot do with land, we clearly begin to see the corruption of how these rules and regulations force individuals into complying to do things with that land that is both unnatural and furthermore destructive to our environments.

As individuals and neighboring communities we must not become separated through the propaganda which promotes the escalation of anger and hatred towards one another. We must begin to unite. To use our voices and our actions to make use of our birthright to live within our own understandings of truth, love and freedom.

Become aware of the global elite, and the many ways in which they are attempting to use their master salesmen tactics to persuade you into accepting their agenda through the disguise of an offering of “convenience.” There has never been a more important time in history to exercise your own critical thinking. Do not blindly accept their plan to rule dominance over your own humanity.

The Solution:

So why is it, that in this day and age, we still seem to be in a culture that deals heavily with unhappiness? Could it be because we’ve chosen to outsource our own independence by becoming reliant on forces beyond our own means? By allowing governments, religions, and major corporations to make decisions for us, decisions based on their own accumulations of increased profits, decisions that are motivated primarily by greed.

For as long as we rely on anything outside of ourselves to fulfill us, we will forever be in submission to becoming slaves.

It is much harder for someone to control another if that person is no longer dependent upon them. If there is nothing to feed off of, ones will recognize their free will and simply get up and leave.

The solution is rather simple, yet requires each individual to break free of the collective mass consciousness. To swim against what everyone else willingly accepts as the common norm. To denounce the subtle influences of an unconscious obedience and allegiance to the customary of our current societies uncompassionate structure and form.

The root of the solution revolves around healing, and loving yourself enough to awaken to the false illusions you’ve been lead to believe, by revealing the truth, and allowing yourself to pry into the depths of what you actually stand for.

If you are in control of taking care of yourself all the while providing for your most basic fundamental necessities, then you are free. There would be no outer authority to report to. The only power you would respond to is your own inner authority to create for yourself all that you could ever need.

By becoming aware of the many ways in which our freedoms are being imposed upon, we can then take personal responsibility towards exercising our liberties. By using our voice and taking action with a passion to lead. By ending world hunger by planting more seeds.

True freedom starts from establishing a grounded foundation upon which to stand.

True empowerment comes from each individual being responsible for the creation and fulfillment of their own individual needs.

Find ways in which you can begin to reunite yourself with our natural world.

Fortunately, we live in a time where others have dedicated their lives to understanding this natural way of being. By the wisdom of their uplifting examples we can begin shifting out of the misery of greed by learning a new way to proceed.

This wisdom comes from a philosophy and ethical design science called Permaculture. The implementation of Permaculture is one of the best resources to begin creating the restoration of universal harmony, all the while offering humanity a pathway towards bringing back into balance the greater ecosystem of our natural world.

Permaculture is a design philosophy that mimics the language of nature and merges us into a co-creative partnership with our planet. It brings about the grounded and tangible physical embodiment of what it means to live in balance with the earth and all of its inhabitants.

The three core Permaculture ethics are:

Earth Care:

Care for the Earth, all its elements living creatures.

People Care:

Care for all people, promoting self-reliance and community responsibility.

Return of Surplus:

This happens as a result of adherence to the above ethics, whereby any excuse surplus returns back into the regenerative cycle of supporting both Earth Care and People Care.

This is a philosophy that once lived provides for us a greater understanding of the cosmic laws of constant regeneration. A continuous accumulation of unending prosperity. By understanding how nature works we are able to design livable landscapes that are in harmony with the whole.

Anyone who truly begins to learn and live the philosophies embedded within Permaculture will undoubtedly be transformed on their pathway towards true empowerment.

Not only can the art of Permaculture provide for all of your fundamental basic needs, it can do so with minimal effort. Once a Permaculture design has been implemented, over time it begins to evolve into a system that supports itself.

Below are several links that can help to familiarize yourself with Permaculture, and how you can create for yourself a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Geoff Lawton Permaculture Institute

On Geoff Lawton’s website you can login to get free access to an amazing library of great Permaculture videos.

Movies Involving Permaculture:

Inhabit A Permaculture Perspective

The Biggest Little Farm

Kiss The Ground


The model of permaculture eventually makes our current social structure seem primitive and obsolete.

Our current society is built upon a way of life that takes from its own system without replenishing its essential life giving resources. This way of life has an expiration date, as it can not sustain the weight of its own negligence.

The fall of empires has begun. As more and more people awaken to the truth of their own inner being, the divide between the haves and the have not’s has tipped the scales resulting in individuals breaking apart to form their own civilizations.

People are beginning to initiate their own self governance in order to create an honest world of their own making.

As our institutions continue to crumble, ones would be wise to ask themselves which world they want to participate in. Will it be the fall of empires, or the rise of individual empowerment and regenerative ecosystems. One pathway leads to greater fear and pain, the other to joy and unending prosperity.

Choose wisely.


Liberty towers in the mists of awakening

For you are never free in slumber

It must be roused to rise from within wisdom

All that live are born once free and forever gifted

By the faintest remembrance of such an enlightened youth

Bare yourself to the earths ground and begin your birthright to call upon all elements to join beside you within your reunion

Nothing can hinder your flame from burning

For as long as you live you are the great spirits forces of love animated into being

Lift your head upon the heavens and bless your brow to bring foresight upon your name

Extend your arms into the reeds of renewal and fortitude for nothing can be taken from the one that has feared no loss for the impermanence of our world

Focus on the breath of incarnated passion

Wield strength in your determination for valor and might

Ye are both sword and dove

Let thy light be absorbed and emitted from within

There are no chains that can contain thy spirit

There are no mental contraptions that can bind thy soul in ruin

It is only the origins of births inheritance that enslaves those unwilling to reimagine their own purity

All saints stem from the same fountain of humanities imperfections

For without sun nor nightingale there would be no knowledge of light nor sound

With neither smile nor scent there would be no acquaintance with one another

Who’s authority truly exists but of your own

Sovereignty lavishes in your divine creation

None other can untether

But thy self

-Christopher John Hills V

2 Comments on “Dismantling Modern Day Slavery

  1. Beautiful writings come from beautiful souls, writings that touch the soul. Your writing has touched my soul.

  2. What a beautiful teaching! Thank you Christopher for your your insights and the courage it takes to express them. .

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