Teachings Of Jonah

September 2, 2018 Christopher John Hills V

Here I will introduce you to one of the wisest teachers I have ever come across. This teacher goes by the name of Jonah. Jonah is a collective of souls that comes from a nonphysical dimension beyond our universe. Through medium Hossca Harrison, Jonah has come forth to assist in the opening of the heart, to bring a message of freedom, and to teach universal loving.

There have been countless people whom have applied Jonah’s teachings within their own life creating for themselves great transformation, deep healings and ultimately achieving an outcome of living a life fulfilled by their own inner joy.

In my own personal experience, the moment I first heard one of Jonah’s teachings, it activated within me a remembering of the language of my own heart. With such inquisitive passion I began to feel the inner child within me rejoicing in the presence of profound truth.

Jonah does not teach the concepts of good, bad, right or wrong. Nor due they desire to create a following, or worshiping of any kind. They simply are here to work with ones that truly desire to heal.

Below are notes I took from their audio teaching, “Jonah on Jonah”. I recommend listening to it to understand the depth of love and support Jonah has to offer us as a teacher.

Purpose as a teacher:

Assist movement beyond the illusion to that which is real, in the heart, in truth, in the purity of love.

Assist in the opening of the heart.

Assist in freedom to be that which they are in truth, freedom to come into the expression of your own power your own knowingness.

Releasing belief systems in order to embrace knowingness and freedom from fear, pain, from the illusion of separation.

To come to know their destiny.

To come to an understanding to where they have created their own blocks.

To assist ones to know why they are in pain and how to move out of that pain.

What must one do in their own life to understand what they have created.

When ones are desiring a particular outcome of the heart, there are recipes that would be utilized to obtain that outcome.

Understanding blocks, fears, and the power of love that you carry.

Understanding your own unique individuality in ye and placing it into action.

A philosophy is only a philosophy until it is lived.

Our purpose for coming to the earth plane is to bring recipes to state it simply.

A pathway that leads to god, to the recognition that ye are a part of god, a part of the universe, a part of the whole.

Assist to release the old ways and traditions that were creating such pain, such sorrow.

Assist ye in living in the now, not living in the past or the future but living in the moment.

We are here to assist ye in the power of love, to love yourself where ye are, to love yourself regardless of where ye have come from, accepting that power of love that brings about freedom.

We are here to work with ones that are truly desiring to change. Not because they want to change because they think they were bad or wrong before, but because they want to change, to grow, to evolve. Loving where they have come from, loving where they are, and loving where they are going onto.

To listen to the complete version of this message you can download “Jonah On Jonah” for free at

 Jonah On Jonah 

Below are some ways to get involved with Jonah’s teachings:


       Tide Of Change           The Teachings Of Jonah


Consciousness Of Man     The Joy Of Self Healing



There are many audios teachings available for purchase at 

Jonah Audios


Jonah offers intensive seminars. These intensives are a wonderful learning experience for those who desire to expand their consciousness. You can find out when these Intensives are occurring at 

Jonah Intensives


There is also the option of attending a Jonah Question & Answer session. These usually consist of a group of 30 people whom each get a short amount of time to personally dialog with Jonah. These sessions can truly be life changing as Jonah assists ones to unravels the core blocks that have been inhibiting them from their own expansion.

Even though Jonah knows everything about you, they will only communicate to you what you need to hear in order to create a movement towards your own healing. If you desire to get to the core of any issue you have created in your life, attend a Jonah Q&A. If you are willing to receive assistance, you will be guided to what is most important for you to understand to resolve the issues occurring in your life.

To be notified when these Q&A will be occurring you can email Hossca and ask to be put on the Q&A list at hossca@jonahlifeinstitute.com